Monday, November 17, 2008

New Law

Tomorrow is nation don't-care-what-you-look-like-day. Everyone is getting very excited about this holiday. You don't have to dress up for work or school! Ladies, leave the make-up on the counter. Men, leave those razors by the sink because you shouldn't care! DCWYLLD is the day that you can wear sweats to work and not get yelled at by the big boss man. At school, kids, you won't get made fun of for wearing your most comfortable Power Rangers shirt. Let loose and press the snooze button because all you need to do is wear clothes, and thats about it. We decorate by undecorating, if that makes sense. You "undecorate" yourself because we just don't care! All you really need to "decorate" is stay in your comfy clothes that you wore to bed. Hey! Why not?! There really is no background, people just got tired of getting made fun of because they slept in or they had a long night, so we decided to give everyone a break and let them dress sloppy. The true meaning of this day is to show that it really doesn't matter what you look like as long as you are comfortable with yourself and you should be aloud to express yourself. So enjoy yourself and dress sloppy!

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