Wednesday, September 17, 2008

#2 Fan Club

My name is Christina! I was searching the Internet the other day can I came across some crazy website someone devoted all to me! I know, it's crazy!! They have my pictures and songs and all these things about me! If you go to you can see it all. At first I was very creeped out and didn't know what to think. My manager told me that they just love me, so I had an open mind about it all. But once I went to the rumors page, I wasn't so happy about it anymore. Its bad enough that I get photographed just by stepping out of my house and TV talking about my problems. Now the Internet gets to hear about me too. I mean get real, they are talking about how much I weighed when I was 16 years old. Come on people, find something better to do with your lives! Oh and thank you for announcing to the whole world I'm anorexic... when I have never thrown up on purpose once in my life! These people come on this site and ask this lady about my life. Seriously? How does she know EVERYTHING when I have never even met this person before! It's ridiculous! So let this be a lesson to all you out there reading this, don't believe everything you read! Some of it is not true!

1 comment:

Ursa Major said...

Well, you're a celebrity... You have to expect that people will be interested in your problems. Every celebrity deals with that. I want to know why your mom Shelly writes on the website to disprove all the rumors. You're an adult and should be able to deal with that yourself. I don't see why there have to be so many pictures of you on the website - it makes you seem arrogant, which you probably are like all other celebrities.